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August 2015

Magic Pixies & Data Elves


Not that long ago I was surprised by something that happened on iPhone (No my battery didn’t last over 6 hours).

On a Sunday afternoon pub visit I was discussing (hinting) to my other half about a very nice Rose Gold Michael Kors watch that I coveted. To emphasise the loveliness of said watch, I Googled a pic on my phone (heavily hinting) for him to see.

After a distinct lack of interest on his behalf I decided to mention this on Facebook (yes I am afraid I am a social commentator with viral diarrhoea) and imagine my surprise that when I opened up FB there staring up from the newsfeed was an advert for THE EXACT SAME MICHAEL KORS WATCH I had been discussing. Flustered and feeling all a bit Harry Potter, “Magic Pixies” I shouted, instantly and excitedly suspecting witchcraft and waved my phone around in wonder. After a moment or two I noticed a few derisive snorts from the boyfriend, who gently sat me down and with a figurative pat on the head cookies were explained to me.

Now I’m not one for all the Big Brother bothering, we create online data, we (I now) know this data is going to be used and if we are honest there is little we can do about this. Statistics show that 90% of the data ever created has been created in the last 2 years which has started awful lot of chit chat regarding the value of big data and how it is shaping the economic world, good points bad points scary points, but what about the little data…..

What about all of the little Magic Pixie moments of data we create? Are we being guided down a singular route from our browsing information? Are our options being reduced by iPhones and Computers using information we have imputed and making it easy for us to be lazy and to just follow rather than looking elsewhere once given the easy option.

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